This year we are working hard towards achieving our Global Citizenship: Litter and Waste Green Flag. We have been learning all about what it means to be a global citizen and about the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for 2030. We in Scoil Mhuire are eager to do our part in achieving the UN’s vision of a sustainable future for all and so we decided to raise awareness about one of the Sustainable Development Goals during Climate Action Week in October. As second class suggested that the school raise awareness about Goal #6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), the whole school held a ‘Blue Clothes Day’, where every girl wore a blue outfit and brought €2 into school. Due to the kindness of all the girls, Scoil Mhuire was able to collect nearly €700 which was sent to UNICEF for its Syrian Water Appeal. It was a wonderful opportunity for the girls to witness how even the smallest action can have a big impact!
As our current theme is focused on litter and waste, we have been working hard to reduce the waste produced in the school. Our Green Schools Committee recently completed a waste audit of the school before the Christmas holidays and discovered that we are still producing more paper towel waste than we would like. The Committee has been encouraging all of the students to bring in a washbag that contains a small hand towel to reduce our paper towel waste. There has been a big reduction in the amount of paper towel waste since last year but we are still eager to improve!
As part of our work on global citizenship, we have also been learning all about Fairtrade. Rang 5 completed posters on some of the Fairtrade products available in shops which have been displayed on our Green Schools display board for all to see. The Green Schools Committee also recently completed a Fairtrade Audit of Scoil Mhuire’s staff room and is currently working on a plan to encourage the use of Fairtrade products by the school staff.
We are very hopeful that all of our hard work in Scoil Mhuire will soon pay off and that we will achieve our next Green Flag at the end of the year!