The purpose of the Student Council at Scoil Mhuire is to engage students more deeply in the school’s decision-making processes and to educate them about the workings of a democratic system. Students from first through sixth class are elected through a confidential vote to represent their peers on the council for an academic year. While younger students in the Infant classes don’t directly participate in elections, they are kept in the loop with the council’s meeting minutes. Campaigns were conducted by children who encouraged their classmates to vote for them.
The Student Council holds meetings multiple times throughout the year, overseen by Bean Uí Uallacháin and Bean Uí Bheinéid. Prior to each meeting, council members gather input and suggestions from their classes. These suggestions are then deliberated, organised by priority, and where relevant are presented at staff meetings at to the Board of Management. The council at Scoil Mhuire has been instrumental in implementing several beneficial initiatives, including the acquisition of new playground equipment, and contributing to the revision of our Nutrition policy.